BEACON: Autonomous Drone Security Lamp Post System
“Beacon” is a concept envisioned to be part of the LaaP initiative (Lamp Posts as a Platform) which leverages on Singapore’s movement towards a smarter city. It consists of mainly a physical lamp post equipped with a drone placed in public infrastructures which is accompanied by a mobile application that children can use to seek help from.
Although “Beacon” is mainly catered towards children, it has the potential of being diversified to the public as a whole. The following write up is the design process for “Beacon” drone and lamp post. For further information on the design process of the mobile application can be accessed here.
Project Type
Graduation Project
Project Date
Oct 2022 – Apr 2022 (6 months)
UX Competitor Analysis, Sketching, Prototyping, Usability Testing, Entire conceptualising of Product, UI/UX, Researcher
Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Rhinoceros 3D, KeyShot, Solidworks
Introductory Video

Children are one of the most vulnerable population for a variety of reasons. Firstly, they lack physical and cognitive abilities that adults possess, making them more prone to accidents, injuries, and crimes. Secondly, children are still in the process of learning and they may not have the same level of awareness of potential dangers like adults. Finally, children often rely on adults for protection and guidance, which can make them more vulnerable if the adults in their lives are unable or unwilling to provide adequate care and support.

The lack of proper infrastructure and safety measures in public spaces can put children at risk of harm, leading to physical and psychological trauma, and in some cases, even death. Given the factors, it is important for communities and policymakers to prioritize the safety and well-being of children, and to develop policies and programs that will provide children with tools and resources to ensure their safety.
“We are making every lamp post a smart
lamp post to mount different types of sensors.”
lamp post to mount different types of sensors.”
- Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong
in his 2017 National Day Rally speech about making Singapore a Smart Nation.
in his 2017 National Day Rally speech about making Singapore a Smart Nation.

LaaP (Lamppost-as-a-Platform)
an initiative by Singapore towards a Smarter Nation
As a commonplace feature of the urban environment, The LaaP project uses lampposts as a key sensor infrastructure to deploy different kinds of intelligent sensors and network connectivity technologies for a smart city.
“We are also testing other use cases in residential areas, such as monitoring playground activities within housing estates so that residents may feel more assured of playground safety.”
- Mr Teo Chee Hean
Senior Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security
Senior Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security

Key Visions

Concept Language